What do I need to have a Web site?
For your Web site to be viewable via the Internet, you'll need three things:

  1. A domain name so people can find your Web site. This is what your visitors will type in to get to your site (i.e. coolfishweb.com). Coolfish offers domain registration for $15/year
  2. Your Web site files. These are the pages that make up your Web site. They can be simple html files, Word, PDF or Excel documents, or any other format compatible with Web browsers.
  3. Hosting space to place your Web site files. In order for your site to be viewable on the Internet, the files must be placed on a server that is connected to it. Coolfish offers many hosting plans that provide this server space.


How much does it cost to have a Web site?
That depends! We have many packages available to cover a variety of needs. At minimum, if you will be creating your own Web pages, you'll only need to pay domain and hosting fees, which can be as little as $150 per year.